Harriet and the Little Fat Fairy
Harriet and the Little Fat Fairy
The freshest in the beguiling arrangement of picture storybooks featuring Harriet the hamster is an extraordinary occasion treat for adolescents. It's Christmas Eve, and our brave little hamster is up to underhandedness by and by. The shining Christmas tree in Emily's and Billy's house is so wondrous a dream that Harriet can't avoid hastening up the storage compartment, moving through the branches, and analyzing the tree's numerous inquisitive adornments. At the point when Harriet moves higher, she meets the little fat pixie that remains at the tree's top. In any case, the branch ends up being excessively slim to hold them both. Down to the floor they tumble! Like each other Harriet story, all finishes cheerfully for the hamster, and for her proprietors, Emily and Billy. Age:-4+ years,No.Pages:-24